Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh captain my captain

One of the movies that left a deep impression on my during my formative years was Dead Poets Society.

It's the movie's 20th anniversary this June.

20 years.

I remember feeling Neil Perry's passion for the theatre, and was as anguished as he was when his parents frowned upon his choice. I remember how Todd Anderson transformed from a timid boy to a young man who stood his ground. I remember how my heart soared when Todd stood on his chair right at the end of the movie and declared his loyalty to the teacher who taught him how to be his own person.

I remember the deep impression the movie left on me. Now I wonder though, if I would find it cheesy, or feel the same waves of emotion I felt two decades ago. Would the movie have the same effect in today's society, or will it feel like a cliche? I started thinking about this after I read an article on the Times Online blog.

The article suggests to readers that if they have not seen it before, don't see it now. It might just ruin the good impression the movie has garnered so far. It does make sense. And with that thought, I'm gonna put the DVD way back into my cupboard. I don't think I wanna watch it again. Wouldn't want to ruin my fond memories of the movie.

I wanna remember how my heart skipped a beat when Ethan Hawke stood on his chair, lips quivering but voice firm, uttering the famous last words, "oh captain, my captain".

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